

You can mark June 6 - 8, 2025 in red in your calendar.


The festival will take place at the Nürburgring.


We are looking forward to 100 acts. Slipknot is the first confirmed headliner.

Stay up to date with our newsletter and/or follow us on our socials!


To make sure you don't miss your favorite band's performance, we will publish all show times in advance via all our usual channels and in our festival app. Download it now! (iOS und Android)

How does admission to the festival infield work? 

Admission to the concert area is only possible with a festival wristband on your wrist. You can get this at all check-in stations. At the entrance your wristbands and bags will be checked.

Which age limits apply for Rock am Ring?

RAR Altersbeschränkungen EN

Guardians are usually the parents, in exceptional cases this can also be a legally appointed carer or legal guardian. The personal custody authorization cannot be transferred to other people, e.g. older friend or other family member.


Enjoy the festival to the fullest without worrying about your valuables - by using the lockers inside the Safebox!

 The lockers where you can lock in your valuables are located near the main entrance and now also at campground C2/C3. With the built-in sockets you can also charge your technical devices at the same time.

 The lockers are supervised day and night by our crew. They are available in two sizes and with 15 or 90 Watt maximum socket power.

 We recommend that you book your locker online before the festival starts. If enough lockers remain available, you can of course book them directly at the festival too.

 Book your locker now here.


Enjoy the festival to the fullest without worrying about your valuables - by using the powerbanks from chimpy – get it at the location of the SafeBOX and on the infield!

 The location for pick up and rent are the main entrance, camping C2/C3 and the infield.

 We recommend that you book your powerbank online before the festival starts. If enough powerbanks remain available, you can of course book them directly at the festival too.

 Book your powerbank now here.

General Information

Rock am Ring is a festival that aims to be open to all fans equally. For years, we have been working to make Rock am Ring as accessible as possible. From 2025 onwards, together with Inklusion Muss Laut Sein, we will reduce hurdles and barriers for visitors with a wide variety of disabilities and establish a reliable standard. This effort applies not only to the design and production of the festival grounds but also to how we interact with each other during the event. Alongside the usual measures, we also rely on your help to make the festival experience even better for everyone.

rockAbility Camping

If you hold a regular festival ticket and a disability ID with one of the following designations (B, G, aG, H, BL), you meet the basic requirements for camping in the rockAbility area.

The space at rockAbility Camping is limited, so you can camp there with up to three friends, including your carer. A prerequisite is that you all arrive in one vehicle together. Friends arriving later cannot be accommodated.

Tickets & Camping

People with the designations B or H in their disability ID can order tickets for themselves and a carer for Rock am Ring by calling the hotline at +49 421 353 638. Fans from countries that do not have such letter designations in their disability ID can contact with any questions about camping. If their disability or chronic illness corresponds to a recognised designation in Germany, they will, of course, be treated equally. All enquiries will be handled with complete confidentiality.

Registering Medication

If you need to bring medication that requires refrigeration onto the festival grounds, please register this in advance so that we can make the necessary arrangements. A refrigeration facility will be available in the paramedic area. You can register your medical aids at
If you have diabetes or allergies, you are allowed to bring your pen onto the grounds and infield. Please inform security that you require the pen, as not everyone is familiar with the issue.
For prescription medication that falls under narcotics regulations (e.g. cannabis or substitutes), please bring a prescription from your treating doctor. Over-the-counter medications that do not require refrigeration or special storage do not need to be registered.

Sanitary Facilities

Wheelchair-accessible toilets are located at several points throughout the festival grounds. These will be marked on the site map, which will be published shortly before the festival. During the event, signs with directions will be placed around the grounds. Additionally, you can always ask on-site staff for assistance.

Festival Grounds

Concerts on the Utopia Stage can be watched from the roof of the pit lane. The lift for barrier-free access is located opposite the Medical Centre. Space is limited, and mutual consideration is important. You can bring one carer with you. In general, if the area is full, it is full. For your own safety, no additional people will be admitted once the limit is reached.
All other stages also have barrier-free sanitary facilities and wheelchair platforms.

Feeling Unwell?

If you or someone in your group is feeling unwell, please approach our on-site paramedics. The security staff can also be contacted in case of a medical emergency. They will ensure that you receive prompt and safe assistance.

Information & Feedback

The central email address for all queries related to Rock am Ring in connection with disabilities or chronic illnesses is
You can also use this address to provide feedback and suggest improvements – we aim to work with you to make Rock am Ring even more accessible.


For a community WITHOUT violence, transgression & discrimination

We want to continue to take responsibility for current challenges in our society and are committed to respectful and appreciative coexistence. We are against all forms of violence, transgression and discrimination!

Together, we want to make Rock am Ring a festival where everyone can feel comfortable. It should be a matter of course that we look out for each other and respect individual boundaries.

If you yourself are subjected to verbal or physical violence or if you observe such things, please report this immediately to the security or medical staff. At the Rocksquare you will find an assistance point. You can also go there at any time.

What we all can do

  • We treat each other with respect and appreciation.
  • We look out for each other and help each other.
  • We respect each other's feelings and boundaries.
  • We do not bully or harass anyone.
  • We find solutions for non-violent coexistence.

Dos & Don'ts Outfield

Dos & Don'ts Infield



In 2024 you could find the following competent partners at Luna Park:

and in the outfiled:

  •  | Food rescue and distribution
  • | For more sustainability through upcycling and waste avoidance
  • | Clean Ups, regional waste avoidance for global environmental protection
  •  | Against racism, bullying and exclusion - for diversity, democracy and cohesion 

If you too would like to get the stage you deserve next year, then apply for 2025 with us at

We will support you and bring you together with the Ring community to achieve even more together.

KulturPass Image 1

KulturPass – what is it?

Alle, die 2024 ihren 18. Geburtstag gefeiert haben, erhielten von der Bundesregierung ein ganz besonderes Geschenk: den KulturPass! Dieser enthält ein Guthaben in Höhe von 100 Euro, das noch bis Ende 2025 für Kulturangebote eingesetzt werden kann. Nutzt diese einmalige Chance, um euer Ticket für Rock am Ring 2025 vergünstigt zu kaufen.

So geht’s

Wenn du 2024 die KulturPass-App heruntergeladen und dich mit der Online-Funktion Deines Ausweises verifiziert hast, kannst du in der App nach Angeboten suchen und dein Budget dafür einsetzen. 
Wähle jetzt unter Events „Rock am Ring“ aus. Nach der Auswahl entscheidest du, wie viel deines KulturPass-Guthabens du in einen Wert-Code umwandeln möchtest.

Im Anschluss erhälst du einen Code, welcher 48 Stunden gültig ist, zusammen mit einem Link für unseren Ticketshop.
Klicke auf den Link und wähle die gewünschten Tickets aus.

Im Warenkorb gibst du dann deinen Wert-Code ein und schließt den Kauf ab.

That’s it – Welcome to Rock am Ring 2025!

Zum KulturPass